Mindset Evolution
-Follow work to survive (compromise work to stay)
-Explore work to win ( initiate work to perform )
-Propel work to contribute (appreciate work to coach)
-Work to refresh recharge re-energize (work to leave a legacy )
Communication / Career, Life Plan
Never describe a story, but need to learn to speak out your own point of view under a full understanding of the whole story/case.
Everyone has their own value, accept it without marking them on a reject list and then you'd succeed in achieving 50%.
To find a good mentor is very important in workplace and learn from him/her, the power of a good mentor not only influence your work attitude but also your thinking toward life.
If don't understand just say you don't, Do not pretend you get it.
Self awareness and conscience
Starts with language - English and then writing and know the content by fully understanding what question the requester is asking.
贏在起跑點 - Nina's past experience: when work overseas by beginning by studying ones culture, profile. Concentrate on ppl's need and thoughts and then point out the company's final goal and summarize it.
Plan - Career Plan, Life Plan - learn to REJECT the things/result that you don't want.
老身 老友 老伴 老本 what I want, what I need, what I should? 生活重心 - Be honest to yourself and know yourself
What's your vision, your objective?
Never lose your curiosity and you will have passion and have action
Have compassion 將心比心
時間是公平的 善用我們平等的資產 How to manage time? 預先計畫要如何利用這些時間
學習結緣 而不是結怨 學謙虛 基本功打穩打好
Work to survive/ to stay/ to win/ to perform/ to contribute/ to coach/ to refresh, recharge, re-energize/ leave a legacy?
重點是 "嫁個好老公"
對小孩家庭: 重值不重量 by Nina's view
Use Facebook is wasting time